Friday, December 24, 2010

The Country

Ok, so I decided to do something a little different this time. Instead of composing just poetry, this piece incorporates both poetry and a prose section.

Thunder the waves short miles to the west
Clouds of ash set the mood for this malignant test
Coastal path stretches cracked in both directions
North to south, south to north like an infection

A black rust that creeps upon the compass arm
North to south, south to north now means nothing at all

In the east there is insanity
In the west there waits the sea
The most twisted display of serenity
Is what both seem to be

Grey man recoils
As the grey ash stings
His enlightened grey face

Grey ashes fall
From broad grey clouds
Dusting the cold earth grey

Along our wretched pathway rolls
A van painted pure in white
Carries a man to his new home
Sedatives make him feel alright

A trip on a trip
To let the tongue slip
Loose lips confirm normality

To be born of the birthless
To be born of the worthless
Condems you to synthetic sterility

I moved stone hewn gates
Avoided the snakes
For their gaze petrified the mice
The animals found rakes
The reptiles hesitate
And I leave myself to my own device

In this country it is true that not a soul can deduce north from south. To gaze beyond the walls, to gaze at the stars is perplexing at the least. We may turn soonest to the sea and know we turn west. Somehow, defiant of all logic the skyscape seems to tell us that the poles reverse at such a rapid rate, there may be no existence of a north or south.In this country it is further true that the degradation of the patients inevitably leads to one of three results. The first and most common of these is death. Suicide is a rather quaint trend amongst the patients and is especially popular amongst those who display tendancies of pride. The second and most pleasing result is what we describe as decay. Decay is characterized by a descent into insanity and usually occurs in patients who are strong conformists. Successfully decayed patients are released back into society. The third and least common result is known as the Clutch Phenonema. The Clutch Phenonema is where the patient is able to eternally maintain conviction and unnatural consistency. It is still unknown as to whether these patients are to be revered or persecuted.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Second Thoughts On Second Thoughts

Conquered within a barless cage
Declared a domicile by the prophet
Unholy yet wears the guise and owns the stage
And as you reflect you regret your regret.

Did you ever realize
As the sorcerer begins to whisper
The secrets to reclaiming their lives
Human innocence hidden in the clamour

Take yourself away to a broken dream
Where you lay, a mourned man
And in your purgatory there is a relative seam
Through time and space a vision of entirety.

Back down, on the dreamscape
This is the church of knowledge after death
When it is too late the mind goes to a quiet place
Revalation to climactic effect.

There lies a hollow cadaver
Devoid of any soul
Taken to a field where long grass sways
As the complacent winds drone

In pathetic death there is no judgement
Only a taunting knowledge
That what you always wanted to know,
You knew.

Thoughts collect in a well of sorrow
Sorrow not of remorse but of second thoughts