Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's a funny thing that we are posting about fear this week. Not for the obvious fact that Halloween is coming up, but rather because I know exactly what it is I am afraid of. People have lots of little fears that hardly impact the way we function as a collective society. But whether it is subliminal or right at the forefront of our brains, I think we all have deep seeded fears. Fears that eat away at us, and change the way we act and feel. I know what I fear. I might not know exactly but I think I can say I have an idea. Now, after that slew of "I's", I will cut to the point. I fear lots of little things. I fear death and dying, pain and suffering. I feel paranoia creeping across my brain, like the rains of a thunder storm rushing across the rippling surface of a destitute, grey lake of waste. I feel my imagination stalking me in the dark, serial killers, enemies, phantoms of vapour, all wanting to mutilate me and kill me. But these fears always are fantastical in nature and bear no consequence on my life. The fear of life is what keeps me awake. I'm living so carefree. My life is as good as it gets. I just push aside the unpleasantries and focus on doing whatever I want. My fear is that what I'm doing now is like an earthquake caused by the tectonic plates shifting. The effects of my ruckus won't be felt immediately here and I won't fall into a fault line, but one day the tidal wave will come. I'm afraid that life is going to come crashing down on my shoulders as I stand on my beach, drinking in the sunlight of my glorious fantasy. My fear is that when this wave hits i'll be wearing cement boots. Thats why tonight as I write this, I'm taking steps to untie the shoelaces. The first thing I'm doing is getting rid of my cellphone. It is depriving me of essential communication skills and unnecessary at best.


  1. Wow! I am impressed with the amount of unconscious flow of thought you have organized in your paragraph. Although, I am interested to know how your fears relate to you and how the originate.We all fear serial killer, enemies, death, pain and suffering. But I'm curious to know why you fear them and how they have once affected you in your life. I my opinion, sure I may have several fears, but they must have somehow influenced me in my lifetime. This will differentiate the things that I fear and the things I fear that really concern me. If you have the time. Please, I'd like to know if these fears have somehow influenced you in your life.

  2. They have been pressed upon me time in time again by our mass information machine. We are victims of circumstance, and more than one once innoccent person has died from paranioa.

  3. That's an interesting fear, the fear of life. Would you say that this fear means that you fear reality? That you're afraid that someday, be it near or far away, you'll be jolted awake and forced to face the world as it truly is, instead of how it is in this bubble that you've created? Also, as you are "taking steps to untie the shoelaces", would that mean that you are facing these fears and getting over them?

    PS: nice metaphor ^^

  4. Yes, indeed you are right Ray and not only face my fears, but make a concious effort to ease myself into reality rather than make a sudden jump. I never just rip the band-aid off.

  5. Hey Rowan, your blog is really well written, great use of vocabulary and sentence structure. It's funny becuase Mr. Mah told me on Friday that you told your dad to cancel your phone plan and I thought he was joking, but now that I read your blog I realized that he wasn't. I did not think you would be able to give your phone up cuz I always see you texting on it. Since you've decided about getting rid of your phone, the thought crossed my mind that it is nice sometimes to not have a phone. When I went to Serbia this summer, I didn't have my cell phone and I rarely got a chance to go on the comp. After several days of being deprived from technology, I actually forgot about it and I didn't mind not having my phone or going on Facebook. I actually enjoyed not being connected and I told myself that when I got home I would try and limit myself to time on Facebook and with my phone but that has failed. When I'm at home I guess it's a different sitaution.
    Anyways, I think a lot of people fear what you fear as well, I know I do. I catch myself thinking about death sometimes, but really it doesn't occur in my mind a lot. I'm a pretty optimistic person and I like to live my life to the fullest, therefore I am mostly living in the moment and not thinking about the future.

  6. Hey!

    To elaborate on what Ray said, have you seen the movie "Inception"? You could be in "limbo" right now, a very deep dream that you can no longer realize that if you are dreaming or not. You can be stuck there are a very long period of time, because in a dream your mind works fast and two hours in reality can be equivalence to four days in a dream. In a dream you create your "perfect" world by using your subconcious to create the various objects, landscapes, and people. The protegonist in the film, Mr Cobbs, escaped reality with his wife because she was not satisfied with it, they went into a very deep dream and created their world inside their dream. Eventually they lived fifty years inside this world they created, which is equal to ten hours of sleep in reality. If you don't like this world and all the changes, you can always go into deep sleep and create your own world. :)

  7. haha actually andrew, when I was younger I always thought about that. I thought what if im really just asleep somewhere and none of this is happening.
